TNPSC Group 1 Syllabus and exam Pattern

tnpsc group 1 exam syllabus and pattern with pdf

Combined Civil Services Examination Group – I

Preliminary Syllabus:


  • Scientific Knowledge and Scientific Temper - Power of Reasoning - Rote Learning vs Conceptual Learning - Science as a tool to understand the past, present and future.
  • Nature of Universe - General Scientific Laws – Mechanics - Properties of Matter, Force, Motion and Energy - Everyday application of the Basic Principles of Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, Light, Sound, Heat, Nuclear Physics, Laser, Electronics and Communications.
  • Elements and Compounds, Acids, Bases, Salts, Petroleum Products, Fertilisers, Pesticides.
  • Main concepts of Life Science, Classification of Living Organisms, Evolution, Genetics, Physiology, Nutrition, Health and Hygiene, Human Diseases.
  • Environment and Ecology.


  • History - Latest diary of events - National symbols - Profile of States - Eminent personalities and places in news - Sports - Books and authors.
  • Polity - Political parties and political system in India - Public awareness and General administration - Welfare oriented Government schemes and their utility, Problems in Public Delivery Systems.
  • Geography - Geographical landmarks.
  • Economics - Current socio - economic issues.
  • Science - Latest inventions in Science and Technology.
  • Prominent Personalities in various spheres – Arts, Science, Literature and Philosophy.


  • Location - Physical features - Monsoon, Rainfall, Weather and Climate - Water Resources - Rivers in India - Soil, Minerals and Natural Resources - Forest and Wildlife - Agricultural pattern.
  • Transport - Communication.
  • Social Geography - Population density and distribution - Racial, Linguistic Groups and Major Tribes.
  • Natural calamity - Disaster Management - Environmental pollution: Reasons and preventive measures - Climate change - Green energy.
  • Indus Valley Civilization - Guptas, Delhi Sultans, Mughals and Marathas - Age of Vijayanagaram and Bahmani Kingdoms - South Indian History.
  • Change and Continuity in the Socio-Cultural History of India.
  • Characteristics of Indian Culture, Unity in Diversity – Race, Language, Custom.
  • India as a Secular State, Social Harmony.


  • Constitution of India - Preamble to the Constitution - Salient features of the Constitution - Union, State and Union Territory.
  • Citizenship, Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy.
  • Union Executive, Union Legislature – State Executive, State Legislature – Local Governments, Panchayat Raj.
  • Spirit of Federalism: Centre - State Relationships.
  • Election - Judiciary in India – Rule of Law.
  • Corruption in Public Life – Anti-corruption measures – Lokpal and Lok Ayukta - Right to Information - Empowerment of Women - Consumer Protection Forums, Human Rights Charter.


Nature of Indian Economy – Five year plan models - an assessment – Planning Commission and Niti Ayog.

Sources of revenue – Reserve Bank of India – Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy - Finance Commission – Resource sharing between Union and State Governments - Goods and Services Tax.

Structure of Indian Economy and Employment Generation, Land Reforms and Agriculture - Application of Science and Technology in Agriculture - Industrial growth - Rural Welfare Oriented Programmes – Social Problems – Population, Education, Health, Employment, Poverty.


  • National Renaissance – Early uprising against British rule - Indian National Congress - Emergence of leaders – B.R.Ambedkar, Bhagat Singh, Bharathiar, V.O.Chidambaranar Jawaharlal Nehru, Kamarajar, Mahatma Gandhi, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Thanthai Periyar, Rajaji, Subash Chandra Bose, Rabindranath Tagore and others.
  • Different modes of Agitation: Growth of Satyagraha and Militant Movements.
  • Communalism and Partition.

UNIT-VIII: History, Culture, Heritage and Socio - Political Movements in Tamil Nadu

  • History of Tamil Society, related Archaeological discoveries, Tamil Literature from Sangam Age till contemporary times.
  • Thirukkural : 

    1. Significance as a Secular Literature
    2. Relevance to Everyday Life
    3. Impact of Thirukkural on Humanity
    4. Thirukkural and Universal Values - Equality, Humanism, etc
    5. Relevance to Socio-Politico-Economic affairs
    6. Philosophical content in Thirukkural

  • Role of Tamil Nadu in freedom struggle - Early agitations against British Rule - Role of women in freedom struggle.
  • Evolution of 19th and 20th Century Socio-Political Movements in Tamil Nadu - Justice Party, Growth of Rationalism - Self Respect Movement, Dravidian Movement and Principles underlying both these Movements, Contributions of Thanthai Periyar and Perarignar Anna.

UNIT–IX: Development Administration in Tamil Nadu

  • Human Development Indicators in Tamil Nadu and a comparative assessment across the Country – Impact of Social Reform Movements in the Socio - Economic Development of Tamil Nadu.
  • Political parties and Welfare schemes for various sections of people – Rationale behind Reservation Policy and access to Social Resources - Economic trends in Tamil Nadu – Role and impact of social welfare schemes in the Socio - Economic Development of Tamil Nadu.
  • Social Justice and Social Harmony as the Cornerstones of Socio-Economic Development.
  • Education and Health Systems in Tamil Nadu.
  • Geography of Tamil Nadu and its impact on Economic growth.
  • Achievements of Tamil Nadu in various fields.
  • e-Governance in Tamil Nadu.


  • Simplification – Percentage - Highest Common Factor (HCF) - Lowest Common Multiple (LCM).
  • Ratio and Proportion.
  • Simple interest - Compound interest - Area - Volume - Time and Work.
  • Logical Reasoning - Puzzles-Dice - Visual Reasoning - Alpha numeric Reasoning – Number Series.

Main Examination Syllabus

Paper - 1 (SSLC Standard):

Paper - 2 (Degree Standard):

UNIT- I: Modern History of India and Indian Culture

  • Advent of European invasion ‐ Expansion and consolidation of British rule - Early uprising against British rule ‐ 1857 Revolt - Indian National Congress ‐ Growth of militant movements ‐ Different modes of agitations - Emergence of national leaders ‐ Gandhi, Nehru, Tagore, Netaji, Moulana Abulkalam Azad, Ambedkar and Patel ‐ Era of different Acts & Pacts ‐ Second World War & final phase struggle ‐ Communalism led to partition.
  • Effect of British rule on socio‐economic factors ‐ National renaissance - Socio religious reform movements.
  • India since independence ‐ Characteristics of Indian culture ‐ Unity in diversity ‐ Race, Language, Religion Custom ‐ India: a secular state ‐ Organizations for fine arts, dance, drama and music.
  • Role of Tamil Nadu in freedom struggle ‐ Bharathiar, VOC, Subramania Siva, Rajaji, Periyar and others - Political parties and Welfare schemes.
  • Latest diary of events: National and International ‐ National symbols- Eminent personalities & places in news ‐ Sports & Games ‐ Books & Authors ‐ Awards & Honours ‐ Cultural panorama ‐ Latest historical events - Latest terminology ‐ Appointments ‐ who is who?


  • Population Explosion ‐ Unemployment issues in India & Tamil Nadu ‐ Child Abuse & Child Labour - Poverty - Rural and Urban Sanitation – Illiteracy.
  • Women Empowerment ‐ Role of the Government in Women Empowerment - Social injustice to Women ‐ Domestic violence, Dowry menace, Sexual assault - Role of women and women’s organisations
  • Social changes in India - Urbanization and its impact on the society – Problems and remedies ‐ Impact of violence on Society – Religious violence, Terrorism and Communal violence ‐ Regional Disparities ‐ Problems of Minorities ‐ Human Rights issues.
  • Education – Linkage between Education and Social Development ‐ Community Development Programmes ‐ Employment Guarantee Schemes ‐ Self Employment and Entrepreneurship Development ‐ Role of N.G.Os in Social Welfare – Government Policy on Health.
  • Welfare Schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by the Central and State governments and their performance.

Current Affairs


  • Conversion of information to data ‐ Collection, compilation and presentation of data ‐ Tables, Graphs, Diagrams ‐ Parametric representation of data ‐ Analytical interpretation of data ‐ Percentage ‐ Highest Common Factor (HCF) ‐ Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) ‐ Ratio and Proportion ‐ Simple interest ‐ Compound interest ‐ Area ‐ Volume‐ Time and Work - Probability.
  • Information technology ‐ Basic terms, Communications ‐ Application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) ‐ Decision making and problem solving ‐ Basics in Computers / Computer terminology.

Paper - 3 (Degree Standard):

UNIT – I: Indian polity and emerging political trends


  • Constitution of India: Historical background - Making of the Indian Constitution - Preamble - Salient features of the Indian Constitution - Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties - Directive Principles of State Policy - Schedules to the Indian Constitution.
  • Union Executive: President, Vice - President, Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, Attorney General of India.
  • Union Legislature: Parliament: Lok - Sabha and Rajya - Sabha - Composition, Powers, Functions and Legislative procedures.
  • Union Judiciary: Structure, Powers and Functions of the Supreme Court - Judicial Review - Latest Verdicts.
  • State Executive: Governor, Chief Minister - Speaker and Council of Ministers, Advocate General of the State.
  • State Legislature: State Legislative Assembly - Organization, Powers and Functions.
  • State Judiciary: Organization, Powers and Functions of High Courts, District Courts and Subordinate Courts.
  • Local Government: Historical Development - Features and working of 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendment Act, 1992.
  • Union Territories: Evolution of States and Union Territories - Administration of Union Territories.
  • Federalism in India: Centre - State Relations - Centre - State Administrative Relations - Centre - State Legislative Relations and Centre - State Financial Relations.
  • Civil Services in India: Historical background - Classification of Civil Services – Recruitment & Training of Civil Servants.
  • State Services: Classification of State Services and Recruitment.
  • Official Language: Constitutional provision - Official Language Act, VIII Schedule to the Constitution.
  • Amendments: Major Amendments to the Indian Constitution.
  • Special Status to Jammu & Kashmir: Art 370.
  • Political Parties: National & Regional parties, Pressure Groups, Interest Groups, Public Opinion, Mass Media, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and their role.
  • Issue Areas in Indian Administration: Corruption in India - Anti - Corruption Measures - CVC - Lok Adalats - Ombudsman - RTI Act - Minister - Secretary Relationship - Generalist vs. Specialist controversy.
  • Constitutional and Non-Constitutional Bodies - Composition, Powers and Functions.
  • Profile of States - Defence, National Security and Terrorism - World Organisations - Pacts and Summits.
  • India's Foreign Policy: Foreign Affairs with Special emphasis on India's relations with neighbouring countries and in the region - Security and defence related issues - Nuclear Policy - Issues and conflicts. The Indian Diaspora and its contribution to India and to the World.

Current Affairs


  • Science and Technology – Role, Achievements and Developments - Their applications and effects in everyday life ‐ Energy ‐ Conventional and Non-conventional – Self sufficiency ‐ Oil exploration ‐ Defence Research Organizations and other science and technology institutions - Ocean Research and Development - Role and Functions.
  • Advancements in the fields of I.T., Space, Computers, Robotics, Nano-Technology ‐ Mobile Communication - Remote sensing and its benefits.
  • Health and hygiene ‐ Human diseases - Prevention and remedies ‐ Communicable diseases and non‐communicable diseases - Genetic Engineering - Organ transplantation - Stem cell Technology - Medical Tourism - Advancements in Horticulture & Agriculture.
  • Achievements of Indians in the fields of Science and Technology.
  • Latest inventions in science & technology.


Candidates may answer the questions in this unit EITHER in Tamil OR in English.

  • Tamil Society: Origin and expansion.
  • Art and Culture: Literature, Music, Film, Drama, Architecture, Sculpture, Paintings and Folk Arts.
  • Socio - economic history of Tamil Nadu from Sangam age to till date.
  • Growth of Rationalist, Dravidian movements in Tamil Nadu - Their role in the socio – economic development of Tamil Nadu.
  • Social and cultural life of contemporary Tamils: Caste, Religion, Women, Politics, Education, Economy, Trade and relationship with other countries.
  • Tamil and other Disciplines: Mass Media, Computer etc.

Paper - 4 (Degree Standard):


  • Location - Physical features - Major Rivers - Weather & Climate - Monsoon, Rainfall ‐ Natural resources:- Soil, Water, Forest, Minerals and Wild life - Agricultural pattern - Livestock - Fisheries - Industries; Major industries - Growth and Development - Social- Cultural geography - Population : Growth, Density and Distribution - Racial, linguistic and major tribes.
  • Oceanography - Bottom relief features of Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal.
  • Basics of Geospatial Technology: Geographical Information System (GIS) and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS).
  • Map: Geographical landmarks - India and its neighbours.

Current Affairs


  • Ecology: Structure and function of Ecosystem - Ecological succession - Biodiversity conservation: Types - Biodiversity Hot Spots in India - Biodiversity : Significance and Threats - In situ and Ex situ conservation measures - Roles of Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) & Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
  • Environmental Pollution and Management: Air, Water, Soil, Thermal and Noise pollution and control strategies - Solid and Hazardous waste management - Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA): Steps in EIA process - Environmental Clearance - Environmental Auditing.
  • Climate Change: Global Environmental Issues and Management - Changes in monsoon pattern in Tamil Nadu and India - Environmental consequences of climate change and mitigation measures - Clean and Green Energy - Environmental Sustainability.
  • Environmental Laws, Policies & Treaties in India and Global scenario - Natural calamities and Disaster Management - Environmental Health and Sanitation.

Current Affairs


  • Features of Indian Economy - Demographical profile of India - National Income - Capital formation - NEP (New Economic Policy) - NITI AYOG - National Development Council.
  • Agriculture - Role of Agriculture - Land reforms - New Agricultural Strategy - Green Revolution - Price Policy, Public Distribution System (PDS), Subsidy, Food Security- Agricultural Marketing, Crop Insurance, Labour - Rural credit & indebtness - WTO & Agriculture.
  • Industry - Growth ‐ Policy - Role of public sector and disinvestment - Privatisation and Liberalization - Public Private Partnership (PPP) - SEZs. - MSMEs. - Make in India.
  • Infrastructure in India - Transport System - Energy - Power - Communication - Social Infrastructure - Science & Technology - R&D.
  • Banking & Finance - Banking, Money & Finance - Central Bank - Commercial Bank - NBFIs. - Stock Market - Financial Reforms - Financial Stability - Monetary Policy - RBI & Autonomy.
  • Public Finance – Sources of Revenue – Tax & Non-Tax Revenue – Canons of taxation – GST – Public expenditure – Public debt – Finance Commission – Fiscal Policy.
  • Issues in Indian Economy – Poverty & inequality – Poverty alleviation programmes – MGNREGA – New Welfare programmes for rural poverty – Unemployment – Inflation – Inflation targeting – Sustainable economic growth – Gender issues.
  • India’s Foreign Trade – BOP, EX-IM Policy, FOREX Market, FDI; Globalization & its impact – Global economic crisis & impact on Indian economy.
  • International Agencies – IMF (International Monetary Fund) World Bank - BRICS - SAARC - ASEAN.
  • Tamil Nadu Economy & Issues – Gross State Domestic Product – Trends in State’s economic growth – Demographic profile of Tamil Nadu – Agriculture – Industry & entrepreneurship development in Tamil Nadu – Infrastructure – Power, Transportation systems – Social Infrastructure – SHGs. & Rural Women empowerment – Rural poverty & unemployment – Environmental issues – Regional economic disparities – Local Government - Recent government welfare programmes.

Current Affairs


TNPSC Group 1 Prelims Exam Pattern:

  • Mode of Papers: Offline
  • Exam paper language: Tamil and English
  • The paper is objective and will have multiple-choice questions of 1.5 mark each.
  • All the questions will have 4 options. Candidates must select only one response for each question and mark it in the Answer Sheet.
  • Negative Marking: No negative marking
  • General Studies: 175 Questions
  • Aptitude and Mental Ability: 25 Questions
  • Total Marks: 200
  • Total Time Duration: 3 hours
  • Minimum Qualifying Marks: 120 (For SCs,SC(A)s, STs,MBCs /DCs, BC(OBCM)s and BCMs - 90 marks)

TNPSC Group 1 Mains Exam Pattern:

  • Paper I: Tamil Eligibility Test (SSLC Standard)(Descriptive Type)
  • Total Marks: 100
  • Time: 3hours
  • Minimum Qualifying Marks: 40
  • Paper II: General Studies (Descriptive Type)
  • Total Marks: 250
  • Time: 3hours
  • Paper III: General Studies (Descriptive Type)
  • Total Marks: 250
  • Time: 3hours
  • Paper IV: General Studies (Descriptive Type)
  • Total Marks: 250
  • Time: 3hours
  • Total Marks: 750
  • Minimum Qualifying Marks: 340 (SCs, SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/DCs, BC(OBCM)s and BCMs - 255)

TNPSC Group 1 Interview: 100 marks

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